If you want to position yourself as an ethical and sustainable business, you need to publish an impact page.
This is a dedicated page on your website where your visitors learn more about what you do, how you give back and the positive impact you’re making through your work and partnerships.
TOMS Shoes ‘How We Give’ page gives some impressive figures about the number of lives they’ve improved:
Mattress brand Leesa, who donate mattresses to non-profits for every product sold, use their impact page to showcase the ways they give back, share the figures behind their impact, and include photos, videos and testimonials from people they’ve helped.
Much like an impact report, your impact page should communicate the difference you’re making in the world and the progress you’re making against this vision.
This is useful information to share with customers, collaborators, supporters and stakeholders – and it can help build trust as part of your marketing efforts too.
Many small ethical businesses struggle to measure the impact they’re having, or avoid doing it because they think that impact reporting is a complicated process. It doesn’t have to be.
Even if impact reporting isn’t a legal requirement for your business – it’s a good way to monitor whether you’re on track to create the change you’ve set out to make in the world.
If you’ve created an impact report before, you can use the contents to create your impact page – but if you’ve never measured your impact until now, then this is a great time to start!
Here are some of the key pieces of information you may wish to include:
To unite the most vibrant, supportive and sustainable community of changemakers on the internet.
Ethical Hour is on a mission to help good businesses grow.
To create a world where ethical and sustainable consumption is the default position for every consumer, because all businesses operate that way automatically.
To build a future where business is a powerful force for good.
We believe in a world where businesses solve problems: for their consumers, for their community and for the planet.
Where instead of making people want things, they make things that people want.
Where instead of having more, they focus on giving more.
Our mission is to unite a community that believe in our vision and empower them to make it happen.